Oh God, the Doctor goes all sappy with Donna's granddad, but it sooo works for him. What other hero fucking cries and then goes off to save the world? [
The Doctor says "Let me help" to the Master, and I know I'm spoiled by Star Trek, but this phrase sends my mind off to intrrresting places.
I know why I like the Master so much - he is the kind of villain I want to help, heal and protect from himself, some deep mother's instinct - so profoundly unhappy and damaged... He's not that evil and really not that clever as big men with their big plans. Just like a lost child. Okay, now I'm going all sappy about a maniac who killed thousands of people. And John Simm doesn't have a face of a villain. I've watched his interview and he seemed to be a good person to me. Positive. There are people I like who have that negative charge in them - it's not a bad thing, it's just there. But John Simm is definetely positively charged, and his Master, too. Sorry, no real villain there. /end of uncoherent thoughts
Aw, love Wilfred: "Oh my lord, she is a cactus!!!"
...And I take back my words about "not really clever". But what's he going to do with the race of Masters? How can he rule them, they are fucking Masters, everyone, why'd they obey one person? And on slash note (he said it himself, not me!): the Doctor loves humans, now the whole human race is only Masters... are we so needy for someone's love, poor child?
...And then they just go teary-weary with each other, and it's not even a fic!
...Okay, I take back my words about taking back my words! He is "bone-dead stupid".
Why am I thinking 'vulnerable', and 'damaged', and 'needy', and 'why doesn't he let the Doctor help?' (that was a rethorical question). I'll be needing lots of fiction afterwards.
But I still don't see the 'evilness' of the Master - not with those eyes, and eyelashes, and wrinkles around the eyes, with tears and genuine fear in them.
I love when the Doctor refuses to use guns. I love the story behind it, the long way he's made. I just love it. Make love, not war. He's wonderful. And brilliant.
I'm so happy that Wilfred finally saw the stars, he buuurns.
...In what story can you kill off the main character many times, cry over his death, and then have him safe and sound in a new season? But that was sad. Not so sad as Donna losing her memory, but still... I'll miss you, 10th.
Wow, that whole story was completely different from what I'd imagined based on fanvids and spoilers. They've just eaten my brains out with a tea-spoon. Shame on them! I'll really need LOTS of fiction now. Oh, Mastaaa... [Actually from spoilers I thought there'd be more about Doctor's and Master's childhood on Gallifrey. And hey! Where's the bit about the names?! That one was in many fics! Was it in some other episodes?]
Now I don't know if I want other actors - I usually get used to them so much, and I'm not sure if I can keep up with the constant changes. Too much stress for me.