We're all just stories in the end.
UPD. К неотгаданным цитатами добавила еще по одной из того же произведения - прямо совсем говорящие цитаты)). Удивляюсь, что номер пятый никто не угадал с первого слова)). А автора еще двух можно угадать, даже если вы книгу не читали).
Я тоже хочу!
Цитаты из книг с моей книжной полки, простите, почти все на английском)). Покупаю я только классику и самое любимое, так что должно быть просто.
Когда угадываете, прячьте ответы под кат, пожалуйста.
1) 'Sort of makes you say to yourself "Quis custodiet ipsos custodet", what?'
'I beg your pardon?'
'Latin joke,' I explained.
2) After a moment's examination, I realized, with extreme interest, that he was wearing a wig.
Mr Norris had two front doors to his flat. They stood side by side. Both had little round peep-holes in the centre panel and brightly polished knobs and nameplates. On the left-hand plate was engraved: Arthur Norris. Private. And on the right hand: Arthur Norris. Export and Import.
3) He wondered if he were being affected by human emotions. T'Lar and the other Vulcan adepts had warned him against them. Yet his mother, also an adept, had urged him to experience them rather than shutting them out.
4) On sait comment, de ces cinq hommes, partis le 20 mars, quatre était jetés le 24 mars, sur une côte déserte, à plus de six mille de leur pays !
Et celui qui manquait, celui au secours duquel les quatre survivants du ballon couraient tout d'abord, c'était leur chef naturel, c'était l'ingéneur Cyrus Smith !
5) Bypasses are devices that allow some people to dash from point A to point B very fast.
A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.
6) I have of late - but wherefore I know not - lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises.
'Do you know me, my lord?'
'Excellent well; you are a fishmonger'.
7) Mankind will reach maturity on the day it learns to value diversity - of life and ideas. To be different is not to be ugly; to have a different idea is not necessarily to be wrong. The worst thing that could happen is for all of us to look and act alike. For if we cannot learn to value the small variations among our own kind here on Earth, then God help us when we get out into space and meet the variations that are almost certainly out there.
8) 'Mr Lipwig, there's a lady in the hall to see you and we've thanked her for not smoking three times and she's still doing it!'
9) As she dialed the number, I noticed that her fingernailes were painted emerald green, a color unfortunately chosen, for it called attention to her hands, which were much stained by cigarette-smoking and as dirty as a little girl's.
Я тоже хочу!
Цитаты из книг с моей книжной полки, простите, почти все на английском)). Покупаю я только классику и самое любимое, так что должно быть просто.
Когда угадываете, прячьте ответы под кат, пожалуйста.
1) 'Sort of makes you say to yourself "Quis custodiet ipsos custodet", what?'
'I beg your pardon?'
'Latin joke,' I explained.
2) After a moment's examination, I realized, with extreme interest, that he was wearing a wig.
Mr Norris had two front doors to his flat. They stood side by side. Both had little round peep-holes in the centre panel and brightly polished knobs and nameplates. On the left-hand plate was engraved: Arthur Norris. Private. And on the right hand: Arthur Norris. Export and Import.
3) He wondered if he were being affected by human emotions. T'Lar and the other Vulcan adepts had warned him against them. Yet his mother, also an adept, had urged him to experience them rather than shutting them out.
4) On sait comment, de ces cinq hommes, partis le 20 mars, quatre était jetés le 24 mars, sur une côte déserte, à plus de six mille de leur pays !
Et celui qui manquait, celui au secours duquel les quatre survivants du ballon couraient tout d'abord, c'était leur chef naturel, c'était l'ingéneur Cyrus Smith !
5) Bypasses are devices that allow some people to dash from point A to point B very fast.
A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.
6) I have of late - but wherefore I know not - lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises.
'Do you know me, my lord?'
'Excellent well; you are a fishmonger'.
7) Mankind will reach maturity on the day it learns to value diversity - of life and ideas. To be different is not to be ugly; to have a different idea is not necessarily to be wrong. The worst thing that could happen is for all of us to look and act alike. For if we cannot learn to value the small variations among our own kind here on Earth, then God help us when we get out into space and meet the variations that are almost certainly out there.
8) 'Mr Lipwig, there's a lady in the hall to see you and we've thanked her for not smoking three times and she's still doing it!'
9) As she dialed the number, I noticed that her fingernailes were painted emerald green, a color unfortunately chosen, for it called attention to her hands, which were much stained by cigarette-smoking and as dirty as a little girl's.
Все остальное - вообще без понятия... Хотя номер 1 кажется мне почему-то эпизодом авторства читать дальше но - увы мне номер 3-й я вообще никогда и ни при каких обстоятельствах даже в руках не держала )))
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здесь есть ещё одна цитата этого автора, и это не Вудхауз). более того, в цитате есть указание на название рассказа)
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Ишервуд, Берлинские Рассказы
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