We're all just stories in the end.
Вы всё еще не отписались? Тогда Шатнер идет к вам.

намбер 1: Шатнер будет в допах к DVD и Blu-ray версиям "Стар Трека".

Shatner is part of one of the DVD extras, called 'The Shatner Conundrum,' in which Abrams discusses why he decided not to include the actor in the reboot.

"Essentially, it's about how do you put him in the movie when you want him in it so badly [when that] story actually seems [to clash] with the story you want to tell," Abrams said recently while promoting the DVD release. "Would it have been fun to have him in the movie? Of course. Would it be great to work with him? No doubt."


намбер 2: :lol:


by Brittany Diamond

@темы: William Shatner, KS, Star Trek

20.10.2009 в 23:38

Where there's no emotion, there's no motive for violence
Вы всё еще не отписались?
Бибигон, даже не мечтай!

Тогда Шатнер идет к вам.
:gigi: :vict:
20.10.2009 в 23:42

We're all just stories in the end.
всё, я разграбила жж, все могут вздохнуть свободно))
21.10.2009 в 07:38

Железные блюдца не бьются, пока не побьют.
шедеврально! :vo: